Please be advised there is a large amount of construction happening around the area surrounding our store, both on the highway and the local streets. Please visit azdot.gov for the latest updates. We kindly ask that you allow extra travel time to ensure you arrive on schedule. Due to our busy schedule, if you are more than 10 minutes late, we may not be able to hold your appointment time.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
After nearly 9 wonderful years of serving our amazing community, it is with a heavy heart that I announce the upcoming closure of Laurie’s Bridal. Due to an unexpected ridiculous rent increase—nearly double our current lease—I have made the difficult decision that I simply cannot sustain my business at that cost. While I entertained relocating, I realized my heart does not want to start over.
Our goal is to officially close our doors in July. For now, it's still business as usual.
If you know me, you know I’ve always been open, honest, and transparent, and this moment is no different. While this decision did not come lightly, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.
What’s Next?
We will begin our liquidation process soon—stay tuned for details. As of now, all existing orders have been fulfilled or will be completed by the end of next month. Please bear with us during this transition to liquidation.
In May, I will be taking two weeks off to celebrate my daughter’s wedding, and I appreciate your patience and understanding during this fun and emotional time. I will update as we get closer.
The Future
Though this chapter is coming to an end, my journey in the bridal industry is not. I will be returning to my roots as a wholesale manufacturer’s rep, working alongside my husband once again.
I cannot thank you all enough for your unwavering support, encouragement and kindness throughout the years. The brides, the families, the vendors, the friendships—I cherish every one of you.
This isn’t goodbye, just a new beginning. More details to follow soon… 💕